3 Treffer
Serien - Autoradio und Hifi Anlagen Kleinanzeigen Serien
KENWOOD KAC-PS 404 NEU4/3/2-Kanal AMPL 550 Watt Power NEU
Performance Standard series amplifiers are designed to be our best sounding amplifiers. They provide outstanding dynamics, holding the musical reproduction to the highest standard whether delivering impactful bass or the most detailed notes. 550 Watt (max.169 CHFFestpreisHeute, 10:008600 DübendorfAutoradio, Hi-Fi -
KENWOOD KAC-PS 404 NEU4/3/2-Kanal AMPL 550 Watt Power NEU Amplifier Power Kenwood
Performance Standard series amplifiers are designed to be our best sounding amplifiers. They provide outstanding dynamics, holding the musical reproduction to the highest standard whether delivering impactful bass or the most detailed notes. 550 Watt (max.169 CHFFestpreisHeute, 10:008600 DübendorfAutoradio, Hi-Fi -
K E N W O O D - A M P L I FI E R - V E R S T Ä R K E R Kenwoodcarhifi POWER 500 Watt N E U KAC-PS702EX
A M P L I FI E R - V E R S T Ä R K E R Kenwoodcarhifi POWER 500 Watt N E U KAC-PS702EX _ Performance Standard Serie Stereo Power Amplifier 500 Watt (max. Ausgangsleistung) 2 Kanal Endstufe mit 2 Ohm Laststabilität Aluminiumgehäuse für optimale Wärmeableitung Frequenzgang: 20 Hz - 50kHz Integriertes Hochpassfilter 80 Hz 18 dB Okt.169.50 CHFFestpreisHeute, 10:008600 DübendorfAutoradio, Hi-Fi
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